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Part-FCL Instrument Rating Restricted – IR(R)

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If you have a Part-FCL pilots licence, you can extend the privileges of your licence by adding a night rating.

Part-FCL Instrument Rating Restricted – IR(R)

If you have a Part-FCL pilots licence, you can extend the privileges of your licence by adding a night rating.


The holder of a valid IR(R) can fly UK registered aeroplanes in UK airspace, in IMC outside controlled airspace and IFR flight in Class D or E controlled airspace with appropriate permission. The holder can also fly out of sight of the surface with a minimum visibility of 1800m for take off and landing and carry out let-down and approach procedures to published decision height or minimum descent height and to undertake missed approach procedures.


Requirements for obtaining an IR(R):


25 hours total experience as pilot of aeroplanes following PPL issue, which must include:

  • 10 hours as Pilot in Command of aeroplanes, 5 of which must have been cross country flights and,

  • 15 hours as Pilot Under Training in instrument flying during the IR(R) course. 10 of these must be by sole reference to instruments.

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Passed the written exam


Passed the Skills Test with a Flight Examiner

Please click here for more information.

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