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Image by Michal Mokrzycki


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Liverpool Aviation Services (LAS) offers the following information for Aircraft Operators and Brokers.


Effective 5th June 2024, new CAA/Dft access protocols will come into force at the GA Apron / Site. See below for more info.....


Liverpool Aviation Services (LAS) offers the following information for Aircraft Operators and Brokers. 

Verification and Authorisation from Landside to Airside Areas, including access to the Permanent Demarcated Area.

Please be aware of the following changes to Security Access Control at the General Aviation Apron (Kilo) for ALL users effective 05th June 2024.

Please note that all users will be required to present one or more of the following to Ravenair Access Controlled Staff to gain access to the GA Apron. Identification Documentation MUST be provided or Access will be refused due to new requirements from the Airport Authority, CAA, UK Dft AVSEC Department.

1. LJLA GA Security Pass issued by Liverpool Airport. (Elec P&C).

2. Valid Crew ID

3. Valid UK NASP Airport ID

4. Manifest or "Approved" Boarding Card, with valid Passport or Driving License as appropriate.

5. Valid Pilot License, with valid photo ID, e.g. Passport or Driving License.

6. Valid GA Visitor Pass, valid ID must be presented for issue, e.g Passport or Driving License.

If you do not have a valid Passport or Driving License, please contact us to discuss and agree other acceptable forms of identification.

Explanation of Security Arrangments for Aircraft Parking, Boarding & Types of Flight - All Airport Locations.

For the purposes of the UK CAA / Department for Transport (DfT) Aviation Security Requirements, All FBO Operators and Handling Agents are required by the Airport Authority to confirm with Aircraft Operators what their requirements are with regards to Aviation Security based on the type/category of operation and MTOW of the aircraft. Note that UK requirements are more restrictive than EU levels stated in EU300, EU1254 and EU2096. EU2016/2096 is an amendment to EU1254/2009. Categories 3, 10, 11 and 12 have been amended and this amendment reflects those changes. 


Liverpool Airport requires Operators to declare whether or not each of its flights operating at the airport is Qualifying or Non-Qualifying for the purposes of the UK’s Aviation Security protocols. The declaration will be used to ascertain whether or not a flight’s passengers and/or its cabin and hold baggage require screening in accordance with the UK Single Consolidated Directive (SCD). Location of aircraft parking is also dictated by the type/category of flight. 


A new requirement exists for aircraft operating into and out of the Critical Part of the Security Restricted Area (Main Apron). The Commander of the aircraft is required to complete an Aircraft Search Declaration under certain circumstances. Further details can be found below. 


Our Operations Team will review each handling request and determine which category of operation each flight falls, i.e. Commercial (CAT), Private, State, Business Use, SPO etc. Please see the Categories listed below. Only the Carrier/Operator, End User and any intermediary Broker will be aware of the contractual status of a given flight. Where LAS cannot determine the category of a given flight it will contact the Operator or its flight support provider for clarification. 


Regulation EU 1254/2009 and EU2016/2096 and the UK SCD (A) Chapter 2 require airports to establish Demarcated Area(s) for the operation of flights within certain categories. The categories are: 

Category 1: aircraft with a MTOW of less than 10,000kg (10,000kg SCD 2.2); 

Category 2: helicopters; 

Category 3: state, military and law enforcement flights; 

Category 4: fire suppression flights; 

Category 5: flights for medical services, emergency or rescue services; 

Category 6: research and development flights; 

Category 7: flights for aerial work; 

Category 8: N/A See Note 1 Below; 

Category 9: flights operated by air carriers, aircraft manufacturers or maintenance companies, transporting neither passengers and baggage, nor cargo and mail; 

Category 10: flights with aircraft with MTOW of less than 45,500 Kg, owned by a company for the carriage of own staff and non-fare-paying passengers and goods as an aid to the conduct of company business. 

Category 11: flights with aircraft with MTOW of less than 45,500 Kg, chartered or leased in its entirety by a company from an aircraft operator with which it has a written agreement for the carriage of staff and non-fare paying passengers and goods as an aid to the conduct of company business and the UK Secretary of State has granted permission for a flight to be included under this category; and 

Category 12: flights with aircraft with a MTOW of less than 45,500Kg for the carriage of the owner of the aircraft and of non-fare-paying passengers and goods. 

Note 1 – Re Category 8 . For the avoidance of doubt, the categories of traffic set out in provision 1 of this chapter do not include humanitarian flights (being Category 8 of Regulation 1254) unless the aircraft being used has a MTOW of less than 10,000Kg. 


Demarcated Area(s) and Critical Part (DA’s and CP). 

For Security purposes Liverpool John Lennon operates a Demarcated Area(s) and a Critical Part. The primary Demarcated Area is located at the General Aviation Apron (GA), which is overseen by Liverpool Aviation Services (LAS) as the Lead Tenant. A secondary Demarcated Area is available on the Main Apron by arrangement through LAS. The use of these two areas is determined by the MTOW of the aircraft and the category of the flight. 


Aircraft less than 10,000kg MTOW will operate from The General Aviation Apron (GA/Kilo) 

Aircraft 10,000kg MTOW and above will operate from The Main Apron. 

Some exceptions will apply where the aircraft is Non-Qualifying and is 10,000kg MTOW and above and can be safely accommodated on the GA Apron. LAS will make that assessment in conjunction with the Airport Authority. 


Qualifying Flights. 

All Qualifying flights in aircraft 10,000kg MTOW and above will operate from the Critical Part of the Main Apron. All Crew and Passengers will be subject to the UK’s full security requirements. Stand allocation will occur prior to arrival. Crew and Passengers will be processed via Vehicle Access Security Gate (CP1). Standard EU/UK CAA DfT rules regarding prohibited items and liquids will apply. All crew, passengers and their baggage are required to be security screened by Aviation Security AMD and X-Ray equipment. 

When passing through security: 

Liquids must be in a container of no more than 100ml (3.4 ounces). 

Liquids must be carried in a single, transparent, re-sealable plastic bag of up to 20cm x 20cm with a total capacity of up to a litre. The re-sealable bag must be sealed and be able to fit into the passenger’s hand baggage. The bag of liquids must be taken out of other hand baggage. All hold baggage will be screened and segregated from Passengers and Crew under the supervision of Security personnel. If an aircraft’s Hold is accessible by Crew and Passengers from the Main Cabin the Operator should confirm its requirements. A Passenger/Lead Passenger must be present during the screening of baggage. Catering will be screened via Vehicle Access Gate (CP1). However any catering liquids over 100ml (including hot water and ice) will need to be processed via an Airport Service Yard. (Additional Charges may be applicable). Therefore, we, recommend that the flight is prepared from its departure point with regards to liquids. Screening via the Airport Service Yards requires additional time and personnel. Late requests are, therefore, difficult to fulfil. Each operator should ensure that all Crew and Passengers are made fully aware of these requirements. 


Non-Qualifying Flights. (Please make reference to the Category List above). 

Non-Qualifying flights will operate from a Demarcated Area at the General Aviation Apron or the Main Apron depending on the MTOW and size of the aircraft (aircraft dimensions for wing tip clearance). The primary Demarcated Area is located at the General Aviation Apron. A Temporary Demarcated Area may be established on the Main Apron for Non-Qualifying aircraft 10, 000kg MTOW and above. Crew, Passengers and associated items for Non-Qualifying flights do not require screening, as per the Regulation. A manifest is required for all inbound and outbound flights. As the FBO Handling Agent LAS needs to be able to declare accurately the number of passengers on each flight. Therefore, operators/agents should send through updates and advise the end user and the crew so as to give as much notice as possible of changes, in order to avoid delays to the departure of the aircraft. Please note that access to the Main Apron for access to the Critical Part and Temporary Demarcated Area is only via Security Control Point 1 (CP1). CP1 is the only vehicular access to the Main Apron. This facility can be busy at times and delays may be incurred processing vehicles, crews and passengers. 


Re-Positioning Aircraft from the GA Apron to the Main Apron for Fuel. 

Any operator wishing to re-position aircraft for fuel should consult with LAS Operations to confirm the operational and security requirements which will add significant time to the aircraft turn-round. Airport Fees and Charges apply. 


EGGP Critical Part (CP) of the Security Restricted Area. Aircraft Search and Aircraft Search Declaration. 

The Airport Authority have published a procedure that requires the Commander of an Aircraft to complete an Aircraft Search Declaration under certain circumstances. For arriving aircraft this is for any aircraft that has not departed an equivalent EU Critical Part. 

Extract from LJLA Airport Security Operational Instruction 05 is below. 

Aircraft Search and Aircraft Search Declaration 

Any aircraft that is either; 

  1. parked within the DA or TDA, and is moving into the CP, or  

  2. parked within the TDA, but the TDA boundary is being moved and the aircraft will be then parked with the CP, or 

  3. is an arriving flight that is to be parked within the CP, and it is known at the time of arrival, that the aircraft originated from a non CP location,  

         will require either;  

  1. The aircraft’s commander to complete an Aircraft Search Declaration (see Appendix 2), (The ground handling agent for the flight concerned that is to be subject to a search by the crew, should forward a copy of the declaration form to the operator of the flight, prior to the flight arriving at LPL and ask for this process to be carried out on arrival at LPL and the declaration signed and passed to the handling agent), or  

  2. Airport security to complete a search of the aircraft. This search will normally be subject a charge, unless the airport made the decision to remove / alter the TDA boundary and this was not communicated to the handling agent at the time of the PPR request, or the decision to alter / remove the TDA, was made subsequent to the aircraft landing, or   

  3. If the crew of an aircraft do not meet the relevant SCD Chapter 11.2 requirements of the EU and UK regulatory requirements in relation to searching aircraft, by appropriately vetted and trained personnel, the search of the aircraft will be conducted by airport security. This search may be subject to a charge.  

A copy of the Aircraft Search Declaration can be found here. 

If you have any questions or require further clarification please call us. 

Best regards 

The LAS Handling Team at Liverpool John Lennon Airport 


A .pdf of this information can be downloaded here and can be used for Crew Briefing. 

Crew Briefing Sheet for Use of the Temporary Demarcated Area TDA Crew Brief Jan-18Important for ALL crew to read and understand. 

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