Information for Passengers
This information is offered to passengers to assist their understanding of the processes for arrival and departure at Liverpool John Lennon Airport.
This information is offered to passengers to assist their understanding of the processes for arrival and departure at Liverpool John Lennon Airport.
We ask all passengers or drivers of passengers to call our Operations Centre to ascertain where is best for the passengers to report to or be picked up from. We operate two meeting points. The primary meeting point is our Business Aviation Centre located at the General Aviation Apron. The second meeting point which should be used by prior arrangement only, is the Main Apron Vehicle Access point known as CP1.
Please call 0151 486 6161 Option 2 or 07712 129333
Your aircraft may be parked at the General Aviation Apron or the Main Apron. In general the deciding factor is the size of the aircraft. The type of operation may also have a bearing on the location for arrival and departure. Smaller aircraft and helicopters, turboprops and smaller jet aircraft will operate from the General Aviation Apron where our Business Aviation Centre is located.
Larger aircraft will operate from the Main Apron where access will be granted by Airport Security via the Main Apron Vehicle Access Point which is commonly known as “CP1” – Control Point 1. Larger aircraft can be parked in two areas of the Main Apron. The type of flight will generally dictate which one of these two areas are used. If you have chartered an Aircraft operated by an AOC Holder / qualifying flight (Air Operators Certificate Holder) your aircraft will be parked in the Security Critical Part (CP) and as such all crew, passengers, baggage and catering will be screened by Airport Security at CP1. The rules for search mirror that of standard airport security as you would expect by using an airport passenger terminal for airline type travel. If your flight is not chartered, i.e. private / owned / non-qualifying flight for example, your larger aircraft will operate from a Temporary Demarcated Area located at the Main Apron and access will be granted by Airport Security via the Main Apron Vehicle Access Point know as “CP1” – Control Point 1. Screening of passengers and baggage is not required.
Additional technical information can be found in the Security, Landing and Parking and Control Authority pages of our website.
If you have any questions please call us. What Three Words location for CP1 ///formally.visitor.dialects
Overview Map of Ravenair / LAS Business Aviation Centre and Control Point 1 (CP1). This file can be downloaded to your device and zoom functionally will be available.