FBO Handling Jet Centre

LAS offers private and corporate users of Liverpool John Lennon Airport a one-stop aircraft and passenger handling service as the airports only full service Fixed Base Operator (FBO) via our Business Aviation Jet Centre.
Please note Airport and Handling Charges will increase on 01April2024, see download section for more information.

LAS – Your Independent – Full Service FBO Jet Centre.
LAS offers private and corporate users of Liverpool John Lennon Airport a one-stop aircraft and passenger handling service as the airports only full service Fixed Base Operator (FBO) via our Business Aviation Jet Centre.
LAS – Your Independent – Full Service FBO Jet Centre.
LAS offers private and corporate users of Liverpool John Lennon Airport a one-stop aircraft and passenger handling service as the airports only full service Fixed Base Operator (FBO) via our Business Aviation Jet Centre.
We cater for all users, micro-lights to gyro-copters, helicopters to military fast jets, business & executive aircraft to airliners. We can service all of your needs and have done so safely and successfully since 1999. We are independent and that enables us to react quickly to customer requirements. Not aligning to or prioritising a single network brand ensures all customers receive a bespoke, discreet and seamless service.
The FBO operates from the wholly owned purpose-built Business Aviation Centre located at the General & Business Aviation Area at the eastern end of the Airport adjacent to Runway 27 threshold. The facility is an integrated hangar and office complex. We also have facilities at the Main Apron.
LAS is the only FBO handler which is permitted to operate on the Airport Main Apron and General Aviation Apron. The GA Apron allows true ease of access and use for all aircraft with a MTOW of 10,000 Kgs and below.
We are the only handler at the airport that publishes prices for the services it provides. These prices are list price and discounts are available. Please contact us for more details. Our standard list prices can be found in the download section.
Access to the GA Apron is provided with our own staff via our facility without utilising third party security contractors thus enabling fast transfer of crew, passengers, baggage and vehicles on a dedicated parking area which is controlled by us as Lead Tenant. This includes vehicular access for executive cars, servicing vehicles and ambulances for medical flights.
The Main Apron offers Aviation Security Critical Part and a Temporary Demarcated Area via a prior approval process and subject to availability.
Ravenair/LAS operates dedicated vehicles for both Avgas 100LL and Jet A1 fuel grades for based and visiting Business and General Aviation, Military, Cargo and Airline customers to ensure that fuel is available immediately, thus avoiding extended ground time and ensuring your aircraft keeps to its planned schedule.
Provision of both grades of fuel is a requirement of the Airport Company under our FBO and Lead Tenancy Contracts. We are able to fuel at the General Aviation Apron and the Main Apron (All Areas of the Airport). We have the ability to provide fuel to larger business jets, commercial passenger and cargo aircraft via our supplier and airport operations contracts.
We are the only independent Into Plane Operation for JETA1 at EGGP. Menzies Aviation provide management of the fuel farm and JETA1 ITP provision on behalf of the Airport Authorities Open Supply concept applicable to JETA1. Menzies do not sell the fuel.
Our normal hours of operation for GA Fuelling are 0800 local to 2000 local daily, we can fuel H24 on request, charges apply.
Airfield Posted Prices
Prices are provided monthly as close to the 1st of the month as possible following advice from our suppliers, they are subject to Weekly Variation.
Please note that a Hook - Up Fee of £30.00 + VAT may be charged for JETA1 sales.
Please navigate to the fuel page for current pricing.
Discounted Rates are available for based and handled aircraft and for operators lifting significant volume. For those with agreed discounts, please apply your PPL discount from the monthly PAP rates given below. We supply fuel to all users at the airport including those handled by other Handling Agents/Service providers.
Please navigate to the fuel page for current pricing using the link below:
Monthly Fuel Price. PAP. Discounts Apply!
Carnet and Fuel Release Suppliers and Brokers with Agreed Credit Facilities.
AEG Release / Carnet
Air BP – Carnet / Release
AirCard KHI (US Military USAF / USN / US Army)
Jeppesen Release
Jetex Release
Rockwell Collins Release
Titan Fuels – Carnet / Release
Universal Weather & Aviation – UVair Fuelling Card / Release
Weston Aviation
World Fuel Services (WFS) – Avcard – Carnet / Release
Published Airport Fuel Levy Information:
JETA1 Hook-Up Fee 30.00 GBP per fuelling / missed fuelling, Hook Up Fees are not applicable to the GA Apron.
Airport Management and Storage Only for JETA1 1.50 PPL
Airport Management, Storage and ITP fee for JETA1 is 2.95 PPL
Airport Management and Storage for Avgas 100LL 6.00 PPL

Hangarage & Based Aircraft
The Business Aviation Centre at Liverpool John Lennon Airport is an integral part of our hangar complex situated at the General Aviation Apron.
Hangarage is available for based aircraft on a 30 day notice basis and can be made available on an opportunity basis for visiting aircraft. Outside parking is also available for based aircraft. We have a wide range of GSE available for GA / BA aircraft.
Ravenair-LAS can also provide hangarage in airport owned hangars subject to availability.
Liverpool is an ideal base for private and business use aircraft. 7 Day – H24 All-Weather availability and full RFFS is standard. Airport Runway Slot Co-Ordination is not required and the prevailing runway is a short taxi from the GA Apron.
LJLA has a requirement for all based aircraft to be affiliated to a based tenant company. Ravenair-LAS is the Lead Tenant under contract on behalf of the Airport Authority and controls the GA Apron and provides oversight over all users. All GA Tenants operate under a General Aviation Operation Licence (GAOL) issued by the Airport which is overseen by The Lead Tenant.
We are the only full service FBO at the Airport and are the only company which operates H24 when required and has approval for Control Authority Clearance and Presentation of passengers and crew at the main terminal building.
Airport Operations Instruction AOI26 details the basic rules of operation at the GA Apron. Based and visiting pilots should familiarise themselves with the requirements.