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Part-FCL Light Aircraft Pilot License (LAPL)

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The Light Aircraft Pilot Licence is an EASA recreational licence with privileges that are more restrictive than the EASA PPL, but it is easier to maintain and has lower minimum medical standards.

Part-FCL Light Aircraft Pilot License (LAPL)

The Light Aircraft Pilot Licence is an EASA recreational licence with privileges that are more restrictive than the EASA PPL, but it is easier to maintain and has lower minimum medical standards.


The Light Aircraft Pilot Licence is an EASA recreational licence with privileges that are more restrictive than the EASA PPL, but it is easier to maintain and has lower minimum medical standards.

Privileges and conditions

A LAPL for aeroplanes will allow you to act as pilot in command (PIC) on a single-engine piston aeroplane (land) with a maximum take-off mass of 2000 kg or less, carrying a maximum of 3 passengers, with no more than 4 persons on board.

You will only be licensed to act as PIC in the class and variant of aircraft in which you passed your skill test, unless you complete further training, as laid down in Part-FCL. Examples of different variants include additional aircraft complexities, such as a constant speed propeller or retractable undercarriage.

Carrying passengers

You can only carry passengers after getting your licence and also completing 10 hours of flight time as PIC.

Experience requirements and crediting

If you don’t already have a licence you will need to complete at least 30 hours of flight instruction on aeroplanes, including at least:

  1. 15 hours of dual flight instruction in the class of aircraft you will be taking your skill test in.

  2. 6 hours of supervised solo flight time, including at least 3 hours of solo cross country flight time with at least 1 cross country flight of at least 150 km (80 NM) that includes 1 full stop landing at an aerodrome different from the departure aerodrome.

Keeping your licence current, and what to do if you don’t meet the requirements

The privileges of your licence will only remain valid if you have completed, in the last 24 months, as pilot of an aeroplane or TMG:

  1. At least 12 hours flight time as PIC, including 12 take-offs and landings; and

  2. Refresher training of at least 1 hour of total flight time with an instructor.

If you do not meet these requirements you will need to:

  1. Complete a proficiency check with an examiner before you exercise the privileges of the licence; or

  2. Complete the additional flight time or take-offs and landings to meet the requirements above, flying dual or solo, under the supervision of an instructor.

Please click here for more information.

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