Key Numbers

First Time Pass

Average Time to Complete Course (full-time)
1 week

Average Time to Complete Course (hours)

£2,530 (PA38)
£2,750 (PA28)
To start the Single-Engine Class Rating Instructor course, you must meet the following criteria:
Have completed 300 hours flight time as pilot on aeroplanes
Have completed 30 hours as PIC on the relevant class of aeroplane.

As a Single-Engine Class Rating Instructor, you can instruct for:
The issue, revalidation and renewal of single-engine class ratings
A towing or aerobatic rating, after completing the applicable requirements to instruct for each
The extension of LAPL(A) privileges to another class or variant or aeroplane.
The Course
The training must contain, as a minimum:
25 hours teaching and learning theory (exempt if the student holds another FI rating)
10 hours technical training (classroom theory)
3 hours flight training
Skills test

The SE CRI course must be purchased as a package. Packages include all items listed in “Training Course” above, as well as all landings and circuit fees, as well as examiner hire and aircraft hire for the skills test.
The package costs £2,530 in a PA38, and £2,750 in a PA28.
We strongly recommend using the PA28 and finding a “course buddy” (which we can help with), to allow you to benefit from “back seating” someone else’s flights.
Please note that these prices are exclusive of the "25 hours teaching and learning". If this is required, this will be charged at the hourly ground school rate on our pricelist.