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Upset Prevention and Recovery Training (UPRT-A)

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An important step on the journey to becoming a commercial pilot.

Key Numbers

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First Time Pass


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Average Time to Complete Course (full-time)

3 days

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Average Time to Complete Course (hours)

3 hours

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There are no pre-requisites for completing this course. However, it is intended to be conducted after completing your Commercial Pilot Licence and Instrument Rating.


Therefore, we strongly recommend you complete this course towards the end of your journey to becoming a commercial pilot. - Upset Prevention and Recovery Training (UPRT-A) - Upset Prevention and Recovery Training (UPRT-A)


This course is required before starting your first multi-pilot type rating.

The Course

The UPRT-A training course is a minimum of:

  • 5 hours ground school training

  • 3 hours flying training:

    • 2 hours in our Extra 200

    • 1 hour in our Piper Arrow



Our UPRT - is an industry leading course!


Created by an easyJet A320 Training Captain, the course is designed using current Airbus upset prevention techniques.


The choice of aircraft means that you can experience the effects of startle and high energy manoeuvres in our Extra 200, as well as practicing the multi crew elements in our complex Piper Arrow with full EFIS. - Upset Prevention and Recovery Training (UPRT-A) - Upset Prevention and Recovery Training (UPRT-A)


The UPRT-A course must be paid for as a package, and costs £1,650. 


Our package includes everything listed in "The Course" above, including all landing and approach fees.

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